Lean on Me

My name is joe clark.
I want you to be quiet!
I want you to listen!
From here out,
there will be no smoking
in this school!

All of you who are smoking,
put out your cigarettes
on the soles of your shoes.

Put the butts
in your pockets now!

You, there. You.
Put out your cigarette.
I'm going to ask
the people onstage

to open
with our school song.

Mr. Roland.
Boy: Do you believe
this guy?

Go, go, sing!
Suck my dick!
You sing the song.
You sing it.

Joe: All right. That's enough,
mr. Roland.

That's enough.
I want all of you
to take a good look

at these people
on the risers behind me.

These people have been here
up to five years

and done absolutely nothing.
These people are
drug dealers and drug users.

They have taken up space.
They have disrupted
this school.

They have harassed
your teachers,

and they have
intimidated you.

Well, times are
about to change.

You will not be bothered
in joe clark's school.

These people
are incorrigible,

and since none of them
could graduate anyway,

you are all expurgated.
You are dismissed.
You are out of here

I wish you well.
Oh, shit.
Mr. Wright.
