Lean on Me

Bright in the morning,
my alarm awakes me

my mom won't, she's a witch,
she hates me

failin' all my classes,
i don't give a damn

i ain't makin' it

stay to your right.
Let's get to your classes.

Come on, now.
We got 20 seconds to the bell.

Let's go. Sams, sams,
come here. Where you going?

Try to eat
some vegetables

for a change, ok?
Lay off
those muffins.

See you later.
Don't bunch up
down there, people.

That doesn't concern you.
We'll tell you about it later.

All right, richard.
It's all yours.

We have two groups
to thank-

the black and hispanic

for giving us
sofas and armchairs.

It makes the school
seem, as mr. Clark

would say, a home
away from home.

Having fun?
I am.
I haven't heard a word
about those test scores.

They'll send them-
send them how?
By pony express?

Am i supposed to
wait for them?

Get yourself
down to trenton,

where they're probably
on some desk.

Bring them back here
where they can do some good.

But now, ladies
and gentlemen,

for the grand finale-
ms. Levias,
if you would-

our very own
passaic river falls.

Good job. You're doing
very well, son.

I'm very
proud of you.

Mr. Clark,
come to the cafeteria quick!

Some guy's
beating up kid ray!

Hey, stop it!
Stop it!
