Let It Ride

Charity hesitated momentarily,
but there goes Charity, in quietly now.

Sink Or Swim coming forward, then it'll
be Chiquita Banana and Blurred lmage.

Guys And Dolls forward.
The flag is up!
Away they go!
It's Sink Or Swim, then Shy Ruler.
Then Dream Roadblock...
- Still a long way to go.
- Shut up!

... Guys And Dolls in last.
On to the back stretch, the long shot,
Charity, opens up to lead by 3 lengths.

Shy Ruler in second,
then Sink Or Swim.

The favourite, Blurred lmage, Lo Fat...
Guys And Dolls is last!
At the quarter pole, still Charity,
Blurred lmage on the outside!

Blurred Image! That's Marty's horse!
- Blurred lmage is coming in...
- Don't do this to me!

Blurred lmage, Charity's final try...
She's dying!
Charity on the inside,
Blurred lmage coming up alongside...

I thought we had a deal!
Who won?
- Who won?
- Photo.

It was a photo?
Glad I didn't bet.
- You didn't?
- I would've had a heart attack.

That's why I only bet $2
on the longest shot,

so I don't get my heart pulled.
- Why is it on so long?
- Blurred Image was Marty's horse.

He'd be thrilled if he won.
I don't deserve this anguish.
