New York Stories

Uh, I'll tell you. We're gonna put a few
swords right through the middle of you.

- It's gonna be a delight.
You'll be tickled.
- I'll be tickled?

You'll be tickled to death.
That's just a joke.

- What did you say your name was again?
- Sadie Millstein.

- Stein.
- Stein. S-T-E-I-N.

I got a son. He's a lawyer.
He's sitting over there.

He changed his name to "Mills."
- How old are you, Sadie?
- Old enough.

-Old enough.
-Old enough to do our Chinese box trick,
one of the greatest tricks I do?
-That's a box trick?

Come on over this way, Sadie.
You're gonna see a miracle
right before your very eyes.

- Uh, what? It looks like a storage--
- Have you ever seen me before
in your life?

- No.
- How do you know it's me?
- I don't even wanna.

- Trust me.
- I don't even wanna.
- Trust me.

- I don't wanna trust you.
- Very simple, Sadie. Into the box.

All you do is step into the box.
Takes a minute. Let's go.

I'm not gonna go into the box.
Are you crazy or something?

It's my trick, Sadie. Into the box.
L-Let me take this pocketbook.

- No, no, no, no.
- Come on.

I keep my jewellery
and my papers in the box.

- Look, look.
- Okay. Say goodbye, Sadie.

- Down in the box, Sadie. Watch how
we do it. It's gonna be a lot offun.
- She's doing great. Relax.

-Jump on down.
- All right, I'm jumping.

- She's jumping into the box, finally.
- Oh, I'm jumping.

- Watch your nose, Sadie.
- It's dark in here!

Here we go with the great
Chinese box illusion.

Sword, please.
Thank you so much.

Two solid steel swords, coated with
aluminum to protect the finish.

Sword number one.
Okay, Sadie, watch your nose.
Here it comes.
One, two and three.

Ouch! Sword number two.
Sadie, heads up.
Here we come.

One, two and right through the middle.
Sword number three.
You okay in there, Sadie?
Okay, Sadie,
last one comin' down.

Deep breaths. One, two--
And now, the miracle.
No place to hide.
Nothing there. Nothing there.
