
What´s wrong
with getting rich quick?

Quick is the best way to get rich.
Look who l´m talking to.

You ever see her family?
They find a nickel, they huddle together
and bury it like squirrels.

What´s the deal, son?
What do you have going?

Has anyone heard of hydroponics?
Well, that´s great!
Hydroponics is the growing
of plants without soil.

What are you using? Coarse sand
or suspension hydroponics?

l don´t--
There´s a guy with a lab coat that
makes that decision. l make the deal.

And l got to thinking,
Cool´s had no kind of life, no family.

So while l´m locking this down,
l thought we would stay with you.

- With us?
- A couple of weeks.

The thing is, we don´t have
the big house anymore, you know.

We just have the one bedroom for us
and one for Grandma.

Grandma´s welcome
to stay with us for a while.

lt´d be valuable for Patty to have
a multigenerational influence.

Fine with me.
Well, l´ll have to give you
a list of her medications--

and you´ll have to pick up
her shower chair.

There´s her hearing aid batteries,
magnifying glass for reading.

Oh, geez.
- What happened?
- Your mouth used up all the power.

Don´t worry, Dad.
We can still find the bar.

- l´ll get a flashlight.
- l´ll get it, sis.

- Where is it? ln the bedroom?
- lt´s in the nightstand.

Mom, Dad, what happened?
- You know l don´t like it in the dark.
- This is a blackout.

lt´s a temporary interruption
in the home´s electrical supply.

Something´s busted.
Where´s the switch?
- Bring it here.
- Oh, here it is.

What is this?
- Mommy, what was that?
- That was an electric ear cleaner.
