Pet Sematary

She was in the back bedroom
like a dirty secret.

My sister died
in the back bedroom,

and that's
what she was...

a dirty secret.
I had to...
I had to feed her

I hated it,
but I did it.

We wanted her to die.
We wished...
for her to be dead.

It wasn't just so
she wouldn't feel pain.

It was so we wouldn't
feel any more pain.

She started to look
like this monster.

Even now, I wake up
and I think,

is Zelda dead yet?
Is she?
My parents were gone
when she died.

Ha ha ha.
She started to...
She started
to convulse...

and I thought...
I thought...
Oh, my God,
she's choking.

Zelda's choking.
And they'll come home,
and they'll say I
murdered her by choking.

They'll say,
"You hated her, Rachel,"

and that was true.
They'll say,
"You wanted her to be dead."

That was true, too.
And then she died.
And I started to scream.
I ran from
the house screaming,

"Zelda's dead! Zelda's dead!
Zelda's dead!"
And the neighbors
came out

and they--they looked.
They thought
I was crying.

But you know something?
I think maybe...
I was laughing.
