Road House

Everybody pay?
Does a hobbyhorse have a wooden dick?
(# ''Mustang Sally'' #)
"(man screams)" Charge!
- Come back here.
- Take it easy, Rambo.

I know you wanna save the worId from
commies, but do it from down here, man.

- Squirt him.
- Hose him down.

CooI him off.
- Garrett!
- Yo!

Some guy name of DaIton.
- What's going on, "mijo?"
- Hey, hey. How you doin', buddy?

Shit! HeII, kid, I'm in hog heaven.
If I was doin' any better
I couIdn't Iive with myseIf. And you?

- I'm aII right.
- "You oughta be, all that money you make."

- What's going on down in Jasper?
- Oh, you know. New town, same story.

Um, Iisten.
You ever heard of a guy
named Brad WesIey?

No, can't say that I have.
You having troubIe?

Oh, you know. Nothing I'm not used to.
But it's amazing
what you can get used to, huh?

Yeah, teII me about it.
This pIace has a sign over the urinaI
that says ''Don't eat the big, white mint.''

- Stay cooI, kid.
- Right.

Gotta go. I'II see ya.
(# ''Knock on Wood'' #)
# Ooh! I don't wanna Iose the good thing #
# That I got #
