Road House

# Cos if I did, I wouId sureIy #
# SureIy Iose a Iot #
# For your Iove is better... #
Why won't you Iook me in the eye?
I'm shy.
WouId you be shocked if I said
''Let's go to my pIace and fuck''?

Ain't gonna kiII you.
You know, you might even Iike it.
Say good night, Denise.
Bastard! Let go!
# ..thunder #
# Lightning #
# The way you Iove me is frightening #
# I think I better knock on wood... #
- I didn't know she couId sing.
- "(door opens, footsteps)"

Right boot.
Got it.
- Sorry, we're cIosed.
- Then what are these peopIe doin' here?

Drinking and having a good time.
That's why we're here.
You're too stupid to have a good time.
(groans in pain)
