Say Anything...

Then what's love?
I'm gonna call her.
She doesn't date guys like you.
She's a brain.

With the body of a game-show hostess.
She doesn't know she's pretty.
-That's what's cool about her.
-Brains stay with brains.

If a bomb goes off,
their genes form the same cliques.

-I wouldn't get my hopes up.
-I'm sorry.

You're a really nice guy.
We don't wanna see you get hurt.

I wanna get hurt!
"It's almost over. We've gone
to school together for three years. "

-I might cut that part.
-Why? That's fine. It's nice.

"Having taken courses at the
university, I've glimpsed our future.

And all I can say is:
'Go back.' "
"Go back"? What a great line.
-You like it?

-I didn't think anyone would get it.
-No, it's wonderful. It's--

No, don't worry about it.
You're very funny.

-"Go back. " That's great.
-No more. I'm gonna save it.
