Say Anything...

"Go back. "
Well. . .
. . .it's almost over.
We've gone to school together
for three years. . .

. . .and we've been through a lot.
But with that training net
of high school gone. . .

. . .what's gonna happen to us?
We all know what the answers are.

We wanna be happy, go to college,
work hard, maybe raise a family.

But what if that doesn't happen?
I have to be honest, though.

I have all the hope
and ambition in the world.

But when I think about the future. . .
. . .the truth is. . .
. . .I am. . .
. . .really. . .
. . .scared.
All right. Get up on it.
Yay! All right.

-See you at home.

Do yourself and everyone
who loves you a favor.

-Don't talk to Joe.
-Mom. . . .

Stop, okay?
-See you later, Mrs. Flood.

-Look at those eyes.
-Give it up.

Take a picture of me with her.
-That's just embarrassing.

-All right, okay.
-Do it.

-Wait till I get around to her.
-All right, man. I got it.

Your graduation present
is parked right over there.

Are you kidding? That?!
-Hey, sis!

I'm sorry. I had a new crown,
three root canals. . .

. . .and Jason has a sore throat.
Your graduation and no one was there.
