Say Anything...

Lakewood, Lakewood, have no fear!
How about another year?
-He does this every year?
-The worst job since Keymaster.

Hi, Joe. How are you?
I love you.
I love you too.
You invade my soul.
I wanna get back together.
Mimi's gonna go to college,
and I'm gonna be alone.

But I'm gonna break up with her
before she leaves.

Have sex with me.
Goodbye, Joe.
Every year I throw this party.
Every year nobody helps me clean up.

-Why am I yelling?
-I don't know.

-We're out of here.

-Maybe we'll help you clean tomorrow.
-Diane, everyone loved that you came.

-You're a great rooster.
-Well. . . .

-Sign this?

Hey, Corey.
So I'm single now.
Everything's changed. I hate it.

-Give me my Firebird keys!
-You must chill!

You must chill!
I have hidden your keys! Chill!
