Say Anything...

Everybody does that.
I just don't want it to get too heavy.
I feel really overloaded.

I have a theory that good things
always happen with bad things.

I know you have to deal with them
at the same time but I just--

I don't know why they have
to happen at the same time.

I wish I could work out a schedule.
Am I babbling? Know what I mean?

I just can't have a social life now.
Don't worry, we're just
having coffee. We'll be anti-social.

-Be friends?
-Yeah. With potential.

Friends with potential.
Keep going in first.
Feel the clutch. Put it in a little.

It'll come out. Then you'll feel--
A little more.

That's right. Go around, in first.
Keep it in first.

It's kind of all right.
When you feel you're confident,
if you'll just ease into second. . . .

All right. Well, put it--
-Am I wrecking my car?
-You are a little bit.

But listen. . .
. . .when you feel it start to give,
put the clutch in.

-I was putting the gas on when--
-Because-- Little more gas.

Ease it out. All right.
Don't worry. Minor setback.

You feel confident? You feel better.
Now go into second. Little more gas.
You'll get this. No problem.
