Steel Magnolias

Jackson, please.
l'm gonna talk some sense into you.
lt's bad luck to see me
before the wedding.

So you are gonna marry me.
Come on, now, we can work this out.
Shelby, please.

You know you won't go
through with this.

You don't have to give back
all the wedding presents.

That VCR alone is worth
getting married for.

And l love you.
lf my daddy catches you here...
...the question of whether or not
l can have your children won't matter.

He will cut your thing off.
Say you're gonna marry me.
l hate suspense.
You meet me 2:00,
Presbyterian Church.

l'll be the one in the veil
down front.

l'm gonna make you very happy.
We'll see.
Give me the sports.
...we're off to Truvy's. Jonathan,
keep your eye on your brother Tommy.

-Am l my brother's keeper?
-You're your brother's warden.

And that horrible woman's coming by to
deliver the groom's cake in about an--

Where's your father?
His coffee kicked in.
Shelby, let's go.
l'm coming, Mama.
l said l'd be right there.

You're gonna be late
for your own wedding.

l'm wearing my hair down
because Jackson likes my hair down.
