Steel Magnolias

Drugs or something.
The police keep questioning me,
but l don't know anything.

They say that our marriage
may not be legal.

l wish you'd have said something.
l was scared to.
l need a job in the worst way.

l didn't know if you'd hire someone
who may or may not be married...

:32:22 someone who might be
a dangerous criminal.

But, Miss Truvy, l swear to you
that my personal tragedy...

...will not interfere with
my ability to do good hair.

Of course it won't.
l don't think things
could get any worse.

Of course they can.
We are awful.
We are all hateful, awful people.
Here, all we've been talking about
is weddings and psychotic animals.

What can we do to help?
l know one thing l can do.
Today you'll drop by my house
and have some bleeding armadillo cake.

Oh, yes, you must.
l couldn't.
l still get real emotional sometimes.
Not today, you won't. lt is going
to be a great party.

l don't have anything to wear.
No problem. l bet l have something
that'll do. l'll call the house.

All right.
Load me up.
All right.
All right.
Are you ready?
Stand back. Here we go!

What the hell is that?
Got them right between the legs!
All right, you nailed them!
l hope no one was hurt.
Shelby, get my things.
