The Abyss

- Lins, do you copy!
- Yeah, copy you, Bud. I'm on my way.

Look, I'm just a medic.
Which is mostly about patching holes.
This type of thing, it's...

There's not much I can do.
The coma could last hours or days.
So you didn't get anything on the cameras?
No, I didn't get a picture of it.
- What about the video?
- No.

We lost power right then.
Look, I just don't wanna talk about this, OK?
Fine. Be that way.
Look, I don't know what I saw, Bud, OK?
Coffey wants to call it
a Russian submersible-fine.

It's a Russian submersible. No problem.
Yeah, but you think it was something else.
One of ours?
Well, whose then?
Come on, Lindsey. Talk to me.
Look, Jammer saw something down there.
- Something that scared the hell out of him.
- His mixture got screwed up.

Jammer panicked. He pranged his regulator
and his mixture got screwed up.

But what did he see that made him panic?
Well, what do you think he saw?
I don't know.
- Did any of you see it?
- No, sir. The Brigman woman saw it.

Could have been a Russian bogey.
CINCLANTFLT's gonna go apeshit.
Two Russian attack subs, a Tango and a
Victor, were tracked to within 50 miles of here.

And now they don't know
where the hell they are. OK.

I don't have any choice.
I'm confirming you to go to Phase Two.

You'll recover one warhead, arm it,
and wait for further instructions.

- Have we got a problem with that?
- Negative, sir.
