The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

And so, as the sun rose...
over the island of Cheese...
casting long shadows
through the sausage bushes...

illuminating the tops
of the honey trees...

and warming the fields
of smoked salmon...

I, Baron Munchausen...
who am renowned first and foremost
for telling the truth...

the whole truth
and nothing but the truth.

For while it has been
my privilege--

- Tighter! Tighter!
- Hold steady!

How can you become
a great actress like me...

poor darling,
if you get blown to pieces?

- Come on!
- Native land.

Oh, yeah!
There to attempt the education...
of their provincial
and narrow-minded...

and stupidly incredulous
fellow countrymen...

we heaved anchor
and set sail.

We heaved anchor
and set sail!

The waves!
- Oh, bugger!
- We heaved anchor.

- We are actors!
- And set sail.

Where the devil
are the stagehands?

- Dead!
- They can't all have been killed!

Not killed, ducky.

Nothing to do
with your acting.

We heaved anchor--
But ill luck pursued me...
and I was blown towards
the waiting jaws...
