The Fabulous Baker Boys

l guess you could just say...
the people.
Terrific, boys, terrific.
Yes, sir!

You're just what we needed
on a night like this.

Thanks, Lloyd.
Only Jack, do me a favor?
lf you want to smoke on stage,
put on a pair of sunglasses

and go play with
the niggers on State Street.

Here you go, fellas.
Ought to buy you more lessons.

Do you know when you'd
want us to come back?

l'll call you.
l thought,
the way our schedule is,

it might be a good idea...
l'll call you.
Count it.
Count it!

Count the fucking money, Frank.
lt's all here.
l'll be talking to you, Lloyd.
Very nice, Jack. Very nice.
Fuck him.
This isn't the Pine Tree lnn
on Route 81.

-Fuck him.
-Terrific. Fuck him.

-Are we on for tomorrow night?
-Maybe Thursday.

l hear the harpist
at the Sheraton has appendicitis.

Don't forget your hair.
