The Fabulous Baker Boys

Thank you Mahalu.
That concludes this evening's show.

Jack and l hope you enjoyed
yourselves as much as we did.

which means
''Paddle home safely.''

You want to see me, Charlie.
Frankie! Yeah, come on in.
-Little slow tonight.

-How is Jack?

l wanted to see you alone because...
The kitchen help, maids,
they love him. He makes me nervous.

Sometimes he makes me nervous.
Well, anyway...
-What is this?
-Your pay.

What about tomorrow night?
lt's all there. Both nights.
What are you saying, Charlie?
You and Jack have been
working here a long time.

12 years.
Maybe it's time we took
a vacation from one another.

Come on, it's Monday night!
You said so yourself.

l got the pianos for two nights.
lt wasn't even half full
out there tonight.

l have six waiters in the back
listening to basketball.

l gotta move the liquor.
So, l have to fill the tables.
lt's a matter of economics.

l love you guys.
You're class.
