The Fabulous Baker Boys

You won't start dreaming about me
and waking up all sweaty,

and look at me like a princess
when l burp?

Forget it.
lt would be too creepy,
with us working together.

Hurry. You're a nickel down
on your cigarette.

Super Chief around the corner.
Bathroom. Super Chief.
Around the corner.

No, l left my dog here
this morning.

Regular hours are 8 to 5.
l know. l was passing and
thought l'd drop by and see him.

You can check on him,
tomorrow between 8 and 5.

l thought l could just...
We are not
communicating here, are we?

You want to know
if he's okay, right?

-Alright. Hold on.
-The name is Baker.

Save it! What's he look like?
Black. Lab.
The dead ones are in the cold room.
No, just a couple of poodles.
l want my dog.
-Listen, get out of here.
-No, you listen you little fuck.

Off your ass, get my dog or l'll
stick the magazine down your throat.

-We communicating now?
-Yeah, all right.
