The Gods Must Be Crazy II

Anyone else would die of thirst
in a few days. In this arid desert...

... that looks like a paradise,
there's no surface water.

But the slender, graceful
Bushmen of the Kalahari...

... live here contentedly and in complete
harmony with their environment.

They have lived undisturbed for
20,000 years because they are...

... the only people in the world who know
how to live without surface water.

When ivory poachers in high-tech
vehicles intrude into this thirst-land...

... to hunt elephant, they have to drag
reservoirs of water with them.

And when the water runs low they have
to hightail it out of the Kalahari again.

So the Bushmen work and play
in peaceful isolation unaware...

... of the crowded, hectic
world outside their domain...

... and even of the wars that are fought
on the very fringes of the Kalahari.

Sometimes Xixo tells about the time
he looked for the end of the Earth...

... and about the strange,
heavy people he met...

... but it's difficult to describe
those who live outside the Kalahari.

He always ends by saying the heavy
people know some magic...

... that can make things move
and even fly, but they're not bright...

... because they can't survive without
their magic contrivances.

In the mornings, they like
to read the news.

They can read that
the hyena has a new girlfriend...
