The Gods Must Be Crazy II

I have to be back in New York
on Wednesday.

- You're from New York?
- I have to survive here for a week?

Anyone who can survive
in New York can survive here.

- We'll starve to death.
- There's enough food around here.

Our problem will be water.
All we have is that six-pack up there.

They were getting thirsty, but they knew
where there was plenty of water.

She said,
"No, I'm too heavy to pull up.

Come down here so you can push
me up. Then I can pull you up. "

Xiri had never been in water in his life...
... but soon got used to it
and quite enjoyed it.

Is that water?
- Petrol. Gas.
- So?

If I can get this down, we can fly out.
I have to take it apart,
bring it down, assemble it again.

- Eventually.
- Maybe by tomorrow, the next day.
