The Karate Kid, Part III

Let's go, punk!
Let LaRusso sleep on it.
Come on. Mike!

Yeah, you sleep on it.
And you can dream about me.
You slimeball.
Slimeball? That's cute.
Did your mother teach you that?

Come on, Mike.
You'll have to excuse him.
He's usually a very mellow guy.

See you later.
Do you know those creeps?
And I wanna keep it that way.
Excuse me.
Mr. Miyagi?
My name is Terry Silver.
My master is Kim San Jang
of South Korea.

My teacher sends his respects.
John Kreese of the Cobra Kai dojo
was our school's number one student.

Word reached us in Korea
only two months ago...

...about what happened last year
at the tournament.

My teacher sends his apologies
for John Kreese's dishonourable actions.

Accept apology.
I was sent here
to help John regain balance.

Hope you can be successful.
Unfortunately, I arrived too late.
I buried John last week.
He's dead? What happened?
His doctor said it was cardiac arrest,
but I knew John better than anyone.

Karate was his life.
And after he lost all his students,
it just broke his heart.

John was a hero.
He wasn't always like what you saw.

He saved my life in Vietnam.
War does something to a man.
