The War of the Roses

You wrote this, Mr Rose?
Excuse me, Mr Thurmont, you tiny,
little, worm-like, infinitesimal prick,...

..could I have a word with my wife, please?
If this is a who-can-sink-lowest-fastest
contest, you won.

By showing him my letter,...
:50:33 have sunk below
the deepest layer of prehistoric frog shit...

:50:37 the bottom of a New Jersey scum swamp.
I may have let you have the house,
but now...

:50:46'll never get it.
You will never get that house.
Do you understand?
You will never get that house.
- We'll see.
- Yeah... we'll see.

Maybe I shouldn't have
let you see that letter.

Dear girl, by the time this is all over,...
:51:21'll think of today
as one of your lighter moments.

What do you call 500 lawyers
at the bottom of the ocean?

An excellent start.
I used to resent jokes like that.
Now I see them as simple truths.
- Lawyers...
Honey, I can't talk right now.
I'm with a client.

Love you, miss you, want you... Bye!
