Now, these tiny little vibrations...
are caused by dozens of grooves
which are cut into the disc...
and they go all the way up the arm
to a great big horn which amplifies it.
You know, makes it louder! Like this.
And voilĂ . A song. See?
Good day.
I'm sorry. Oh, my God.
It's just a little snake.
It's a lizard.
Now, sound.
How can I describe it to you?
Sound is like big waves at the beach,
you see...
because sound travels in waves
just like light.
-I'm not going too fast for you, am I?
-No. Light travels as particles.
Light travels as particles and waves.
How can light travel simultaneously
in two different ways?
Space tells matter how to move...
and matter tells space how to curve.
Mademoiselle, you must be
a student of the sciences.
Yes. I am to study
at the Sydney University.
Fascinating. You got a scholarship?
Not exactly. I won a prize.
The old high school science prize?
It was a Nobel Prize,
1903, Applied Physics.
-You see...
I think that
if we could control the ionizing radiation...
of the spontaneous disintegration
of uranium isotopes...
we could harness the forces of nature.
Splitting atoms.
You've heard of the theory
to split the nucleus of an atom?
I've split one once.