Young Einstein

What are you up to, Einstein?
-Physics, Keenly.
-May I?

A relativity theory.
That's clever.
But, you know, Einstein...
a theory like this would only be viable...
if the speed of light were constant.
I'm sorry.
-It is.

Is that a fact?
It's not only constant,
but nothing can travel faster than it.

Nothing can travel faster than light?
What if I'm on a train
that's traveling at the speed of light...

and I move forward from
the back carriage to the front carriage?

Then I'd be traveling faster than light.
No, you wouldn't.
But that's an affront to common sense.
-That's relativity.

In my book, Newton says
that the laws of the universe are fixed.

Newton's wrong.
-What have you done with him?

Albert Einstein.
You stole his formula, didn't you?

-I did not.
-How could you do such a thing?

He had nothing.
No money, no equipment...

he didn't even have an education.
He had to come up
with the entire theory in his head.

And you, you just take it.
Marie, I did not just take it.
I merely borrowed it...

in order to develop
a lucrative proposition for us all.

Einstein will get a percentage, of course.
I hate you for what you have done.
I don't see
what you're getting so upset about.
