Another 48 Hrs.

That ain't a good idea.
Wilson's looking for you.

Christ! He heard about the bar.
Be outfront with everythingyou got.
ln 15 minutes.
Kehoe, get in.
- Give me that. You steer.
- Jesus Christ!

- Hickcock. Ganz.
- That's Albert Ganz' brother.

They're cop killers.
They capped two cops, five days ago.

Special lnvestigations says
they're enforcers for their gang.

They've been linked to
over 15 deaths. Brake. Brake!

- Got anything else?
- No, nothing hard.

- Just go around the block.
- Too easy.

Kirkland Smith, you got a phone call.
Reggie Hammond.

- Reggie, is it done?
- lt's a bit more complicated...

Don't mess with me.
You ain't a citizen no more.

You can't vote. Nobody will hire you.
You're an outcast.

All you've got left is your word.
Don't break your word to me.
