
- slips through the tightened silence
of the shoulders, -

- reaches the heart, and dies. "
Have you heard of a drug called L-dopa?
It is a synthetic dopamine.

Yes, for Parkinson's patients...
Excuse me, sorry!
100 years would pass
before modern neuropathology -

- would allow us to locate the damage
in the Parkinsonian brain.

With our development of the drug L-dopa,
we can for the first time promise -

- the Parkinsonian patient
a more normal life by administering L...

I am very curious about this drug.
Have you come across anyone who...

- Excuse me, Dr...
- Sayer.

Have you come across
any patients with encephalitis?

After I am through, Dr. Sayer.
If you would not mind.

As I was saying...
by administering L-dopa.

Do you think an
extreme Parkinsonian tremor -

- would appear as no tremor at all?
- Are you talking to me?
- Oh, yes.

Imagine you accelerated a hand tremor
to the point of immobility.

Imagine a patient with all the
Parkinson symptoms accelerated.

The hand tremor, the head bobbing,
quickening of speech.
