
Dr. Kaufman, did you read this case?
"New drug lets Palsy patients eat Jello. "

Yes, I read them all. Dutifully, soberly.
All 30 cases had mild Parkinson's.

Your "Parkies", if that is what they are,
have not moved in decades.

Perhaps you should look at it again, sir.
You know better
than to make such a leap.

You want a connection;
that does not mean there is one.

What I believe, what I know,
is that they are alive inside.

How do you know that?
Because they catch tennis balls?

I know it.
- How many did you think could have it?
- All of them.

Some... One.
With the family's consent, signed.
Leonard has Parkinson's disease?
No... His symptoms are like
Parkinson's disease -

- but then again, they are not.
What will the medicine do for him?
I do not know what it will do for him,
if anything at all.

What do you think it will do?
I am not sure, it was designed for
a totally different disorder.

What do you hope it will do?
I hope... it will bring him back from
wherever he is.

- To what?
- To the world.
