Bird on a Wire

Lovely day.
But we have a IittIe cIoud to bIow away.
Closing down, Billy Ray.
Nobody driving
in this bad weather tonight.

Why don't you give up on that tank,
come on over to the house for dinner?

It's no good you being aIone so much.
Been in town three months,
you haven't made one friend.

At Ieast none that I've seen.
Why don't you wash up,
come and meet the missus tonight?

Hear me?
I'm gonna turn down this radio.
You gone to sleep under there?
God! Help me, Marvin!
Help me! Pull me out!
Get me out of here!

- Hold on!
- Help me.

Get me out!
Goddamn it!
Get this off of me!
What am I gonna do with no Iegs?
Look at you!
Something wrong with your brain?
I'm sorry. I gotta do something
to break up the monotony around here.

You're bored?
I'm bored as heII. Don't take it personaI.
I'm just a restIess guy.
That's the kind of guy I am.

That's why I traveI around so much.
I get it from my daddy. He's a traveIing
saIesman. SoId hairbrushes in Kentucky.

Thought you said your dad raised hogs
in Tennessee.
