Conte de printemps

Do you really want to leave tomorrow?
I've no reason to stay,
my cousin is leaving.

There is one reason: I'd like it.
We had two wonderful days.
We can do it next Saturday, if you like.
And until then?
Until then, you're free at night,
and so am l.

Monday, I'll take you to dinner.
I'd rather eat at your place.
Another time,
when I've had time to clean up.

-Good night, then.
-Good night.

-Sleep tight.
-You, too.

Jeanne, is that you?
-Wait, I'm coming!

I'm waiting.
I've been trying to reach you
for the last two days.

Were you out of town?
I went to the country.
You're here, that's the important thing.
-Guess what?
-I don't know.

I was selected after all.
I found out just after you left.
I hadn't waited for the results.
A friend called to tell me
my name was on the list.

I have to stay another week.
You don't mind?

-Not at all.
-I can go to a hotel.

Are you crazy? It's no problem.
I told you, I hardly live here.
I just came to pick up some books.
I feel really bad about it.
It's so nice of you.

Gildas will pick me up Saturday.
We're leaving Sunday.

Would you like to come to dinner with us
Saturday night?

I don't know if I'll be free.
