Car ads need real punch,
they need real sexiness.
OK, how about this?
"Porsche. It's a little too small
to get laid in.
"But you get laid
the minute you get out."
Is that enough fucking punch for you?
That's more like it.
Hey, come on. Let's sketch.
- What are you doing?
- What?
- What are you doing?
- What am I doing?
I'm dreaming. That's what
I normally schedule for this hour.
Don't kid me. You were pining away
for that princess.
Well, she was cute. Cuteness
is very important to a relationship.
Let's go, pal. There's something
I want to show you.
I like that! Look at this, will you?
Oh, come on.
You cannot have sex with a Saab.
It's abnormal. You could get hurt.
I'm not saying it's possible.
It might be interesting.
We have to emphasise the product.
Correct, hello, but, hello,
we have to hit it in a way, hello,
that makes the product memorable.
- Draw it your way.
- Fine, hello. I'll do that.
I've never heard George say anything
but hello, or seen them so excited.
- They're so alive now.
- Do you mind? Hello. We're working.
Yes, we are in the country.
I smell mountains.