- You can't leave the accident scene!
- Up yours, pal.
- I got a delivery to make.
- Hey, did you see that?
We'll screw them
to get your package there on time.
That was mine! That was mine!
That was not yours. I've worked
my tail off on this account.
Charles F Drucker has single-handedly
changed the face of advertising.
It's the product
of years of personal research.
Total honesty in advertising
began as a vision I had
as a young ad man in Milwaukee.
I don't believe that jerk!
- I like Larry King.
- I mean Drucker. He took the credit.
Who needs credit?
I need compact women.
- Where does all this go?
- We haven't explored radio yet.
Yeah, right. I don't believe it!
He's taken all the credit.
They don't give us any respect.
We're not working for respect, hello,
but for a sense of community,
hello, how are you?
We have a purpose now, things to do.
Formerly, only boredom and mania
were available to us.
They promised us the ballet.
- Do you know what they make off us?
- Who cares?
We'll have to go back to art therapy.
This is wrong.
What they are doing to you is wrong.
I hate art therapy. I hate art!
I hate those little figurines!