Cyrano de Bergerac

My patronness here keeps her word.
Turn and walk!
Why are you looking at my nose?
Does it disgust you?

Not at all.
Is it soft and dangling?
I did not look at it.
And why did you not look at it?
Sickened you, did it?
Is the colour all wrong?
Is it obscene?
Not at all.

Why then do y ou criticize?
Do you find it too large in size?

It's terribly small, minuscule.
What was that?
Is that an insult? My nose is small, eh
Oh, God!
My nose, sir, is enormous!
Cretinous moron
a man ought to be proud

proud of such an appendix.
A great nose may be an index
of a great soul - kind, endowed

with liberality and courage...
like mine, you rat-brained dunce
unlike yours, all rancid porridge.

It would be grotesque to fist
your wretched mug...

so lacking as it is...
in pride, genius
the lyrical and picturesque

in spark, spunk, in brief: in nose.
So take a boot instead to your backside
Help! Call the Guard!
A warning...
to you who find my coutenance
a source of sport.

Be you noble, my swift response
is different altogether.

I strike with steel...and not leather!
He's a bit of a bore.
A braggart.
Who shall it be, gentlemen?
Nobody? Wait, you can leave it to me.
That thing of yours...
is ...
very big.
That's all?
