Dances with Wolves

Nobody's made a run either way.
It's been a standoff all damned day.

Now, the major, he's looking at the general.
He's thinking to himself,
"l better do something."

You know what that means.
I sure as hell don't want to be
the first one across this field.

They're supposed to be beat up just like us.
Hell, everybody knows
Tucker's men are tough as cobs.

So far, the only thing been killed out here
is three milking cows.

Course, that's about to change.
You son of a bitch.
You know, some of the boys are saying
if we ain't gonna fight...

...we could just settle
this whole business with a little...

...high-stakes poker.
Wouldn't that be a sight?
A bunch of fellas
sitting in the middle of this field...

...drawing cards.
What is it, sir?
Looks like a suicide.
What's he doing?
-What did you say to him?
-I didn't say nothing.
