Dick Tracy

- How much?
- Two-ten.

I find counting a bore
Keep the number mounting
Your accountant does the counting

More, more
The only way to get into this joint,
Chief, is to bust our way in.

- Jump.
- What?

- Jump.
- Jump?

- Music too
- Keep your mouth shut, woman!

- You don't say nothing to nobody.
- Just as much

- You may think they got us surrounded,
- As before
- but I'm gettin' out of this.

- I've got my guy and my sky of blue
- Watch it. Move it, woman!

Now, however, I own the view
Come on. Just jump.
All right. This is it.
Come out with your hands
over your head.

Them coppers are never gonna take me
alive. We're making a break for it.

Come out with your hands
over your heads.

This is it. The jig is up!
One is fun, why not two
And if you like two
you might as well have four

And if you like four
why not a few

Why not a slew more
Come on, let's go!
ln the car! ln the car! Now!

Listen, you guys. When I hit
my horn, that's the signal to go.

Okay, Big Boy.
Let's give it to 'em, boys!

You gotta tell 'em everything.
They crave leadership.

- You're under arrest.
- Chief.
- If you--

- Look at him. What's he doing up there?
- Tracy!

If you've got a little
why not a lot

Add a bit and it'll
get to be an oodle

Every jot and tittle
adds to the pot

Soon you got the kit
as well as the caboodle, more

He does have Tess, but he won't
bring her outta there. We gotta go in.

- Go in?
- Give me that tommy gun, Sam.

Okay, hit your horn.
