Dick Tracy

You bring your men--
Never settle for something less
Something's better than nothing, yes
This may get messy. You make a wrong
move inside here, I blow your head off.

Big Boy!
Come on! Get outta there!
You know, sometimes I wonder
why I try to improve things.

Nobody seems to care.
Pain can be valuable, Miss Trueheart.
We learn from pain.

We learn from--
Don't make me push you!

This is awkward.
This is so awkward. Here.

Let's go, men. Big Boy's inside.
He's got Tess with him.

- I knew he wouldn't have
the guts to come out.
- Right, Tracy.

They say I kidnapped you.
I didn't kidnap you.

But I'm kidnapping you now.
- Ah, does life imitate art?
- Hey, Mr Caprice.

- So many questions, so few answers.
- Mr Caprice.

What a way to usher in the new year.
