Die Hard 2

..and the antenna array is gone.
- (beeping)
- Didn't you see it?!

lt's hard looking for a new miracle.
(Barnes) Hold for a minute.
l'll be right back.

Hold for a second.
Something's going on.

Yeah. Just hold on for a minute.
l say again, annexe team,
give us a sitrep.

Annexe team, come in. Do you copy?
lt's got a scrambler on it.
Can you do anything with it?
No. This scramble mode
must activate on this code panel.

Even ifwe scan their frequency,
we can't listen in.

- These guys are pros.
- So are you. Break the code.

l want to hear
what these bastards are saying.

This is a ten-digit control panel.
Six-digit read-out.

Hell, there could be
a million combinations.

Next time you kill one ofthese guys,
get him to enter the code first.

Sir, we just monitored a call
from their Chief Engineer.

We took out their SWAT team,

You were right.
They went for the antenna array.

- We're on schedule.
- Losing our team wasn't part ofthe plan.

Attention, Dulles tower.
Attention, Dulles control tower.
Mr Trudeau, lknowyou're listening.
- Unfortunately, you're not obeying.
- Try me face to face.

You were warned
not to restore your systems.

You've wastedlives andprecious time
on a futile and obvious target.

Now you're going to pay the penalty.
l've got five dead officers, Colonel Stuart.
lsn't thatpenalty enough?
McClane, keep out ofthis.
You've been a pain...

(Stuart) Oh, McClane.
John McClane.
The policeman hero who saved
the Nakatomi hostages.

l readaboutyou in People magazine.
You seemed out ofyourleague on Nightline.
Hey, Colonel, blow me.
How much drug money is Esperanza
paying you to turn traitor?

Cardinal Richelieu said it best:
''Treason is merely a matter of dates''.
