Die Hard 2

Eagle Nest, this is Falcon.

Eagle Nest, this is Falcon.

-Go ahead, Falcon.
-I've lost cabin pressure.

Near zero visibility. I must
drop out of this weather...

and land now
on the first accessible runway.

I've lost cabin pressure.

Near zero visibility.
I must drop out of the storm.

I can land, but I must land now,
on the first outgoing runway.

Repeat, I cannot circle around
to runway 1-5.

I'll make you a deal. Show me
a shortcut to those runways,

and I'll get your coat a liner.
Repeat, I cannot circle around
to runway 1-5.

Shit. Stand by, Falcon.
He's coming in
from the ocean, sir.

A bullet has damaged my instruments.
I'm not sure of my bearings.
I must make a visual landing

-Do you copy, Eagle Nest?
-Roger, Falcon.

That would be 2-5 right.
Repeat, 2-5 right.

-Make up your mind!
-Agreed. Runway...

We are just up to our ass
in terrorists again, John.

-Two-five left...
-Two-five right. Over.

Two-five right.
I gotta quit smoking cigarettes.
Thank you for telling me, Eagle Nest,
but if you could show me
as well, I'd be grateful.

I see the lights.
They're directly in front of me.

Gracias, compadre.
Reducing airspeed.

Approaching runway.
Wish me luck.

Roger, Falcon.
We'll have you in five minutes.
That's right, asshole.
We'll have you in five minutes.
