Die Hard 2

The sound is on channel three.
Please, sir,
we may land at any moment.

-Take your seat.
-I'm gonna be sick. Excuse me.

Sir, the seat belt light is on.
-Yes. This is Richard Thornberg.

-Put me through to Ruben.
-He's about to go live.

I know he is.
That's why I need him.

Hold on...
Put me through, Celia,
or start typing your resume.

Esperanza's down...
But he's hurt.
He took a round in the shoulder.

I got another of their guys.
That's six they lost altogether.

If we knew how many they had
to start with, we'd get excited.

If they got 50 guys, it's too
soon to break out the champagne.

We appreciate the effort, but we
don't need a loose cannon here.

What if they decide to crash
another plane in retaliation?

They can't do that anymore,
right, Barnes?

If I'd grabbed Esperanza,
this would all be over.

Maybe they're more creative
than you think.

At least I'm thinking,
goddamn it!

Listen, you wise-ass.
We're here to jerk him off
until he tries to take off.

Period! You're in the wrong
place at the wrong time!

Story of my life.
Major. Pentagon
situation room, sir.

Pentagon. I'll take it in here.
Thank you, Telford.
You men, come with me.

-Yeah, Barnes?

Those guys showed up right away?
-That must mean they're close.

And I think I know where.
Let me show you something.
