Die xue jie tou

You're gonna lose, Paul!
No way, I'm winning!
Don't fall in the sea, Frank!
No sweat, watch out.

You watch out!
Frank, go get it!
I won!
Grab me, Ben. Help me up
Punk fell in the gutter...
His girl's gonna cry.
His body's so stinky,
she doesn't find it kinky.

Smells like ammonia.
He's mad that he fell, ah!
Gutter smells ain't so swell.
I'm scared by the mob.
What will happen?

Let's get married.
Now? When we have no money?

Poor people can get married.
I don't care about the future.

Just want to be a bird
and be free to fly around.

Go places, see the world.
I know there are
great places out there!

I want you to come too.
Are you dreaming?
It's not a dream.
