DuckTales: The Movie - Treasure of the Lost Lamp

No, silly.
Not a Boston Tea Party.

l hate rats!
First you pour the tea,...
then take little sips,...
and talk to your guests.
What a lovely dress, Quacky.
Get outta here. No war paint
or tomahawks or anything?

Just you and me and my friends here.
You call these party animals?
They're lifeless.

Genie, you've just given me
the bestest idea in the world.

There is a way to have
all my friends enjoy the party.

l didn't mean it. The less the merrier.
Just you and me and a pot of tea.
This'll be fun. l wish
all my toys and dollies were alive.

lt's so nice to finally meet all of you.
Cookies, anyone?
- Feeding frenzy.
- Dollies, be good.

lf there's anything l hate more
than elephants in the house, it's rats.

Here, ratty, come to nanny.
This isn't a house! lt's a zoo!
