Edward Scissorhands

I'm sure your father'll find him soon.
What time is it?
It's almost 8.30. Great party, huh?
Mom, where are they?
- God, I hope he's OK.
- So do I, honey.

You know, when I brought Edward
down here to live with us,

I really didn't think things through.
And I didn't think about
what could happen to him.

Or to us. Or to the neighbourhood.
And now I think that maybe...
it might be best if he goes...
back up there.
Because at least there he's safe.
And we'd just go back to normal.
I got halfway to the Whitmans'.
I didn't see him anywhere.

Let's get in the car and go look for him.
- Where's Kevin now?
- At Max's.

Oh, for God's sakes!
- Where do you think you're goin'?
- With you guys.

- You stay here in case somebody shows up.
- We'll be right back, dear.

