
:40:01 fly down to some customers I had
near Atlanta.

Right away I knew he didn't want them
and I'd be stuck for the money.

I bought them because he wanted them
and now he didn't want them.

What good are these? None of them fit.
I'm not paying for these!
I didn't say a thing. Jimmy was
so pissed off, he didn't even say good-bye.

The drugs are making your mind
into mush!

I'll take 'em back.
My Pittsburgh guys always wanted guns.
Since I would see them in the afternoon,
for a delivery...

...I was pretty sure I'd get my money back.
Oh, my God.
At the hospital,
Michael's doctor wanted to put me in bed.

What happened to you?
I almost got into an accident
on the way here.

And I told him I was partying all night.
I'm fine.
Get over here.
Let me check you out.
He took mercy on me, gave me Valium...
...and sent me home.
My plan was to drop off my brother
at the house and pick up Karen.

There it is.
You see that helicopter right there?

Right up there.
I think it's been following me all morning.

-Get the fuck out. Are you nuts?
-I'm telling you.

It's the third time I've seen it.
At the hospital I saw it.
