Graveyard Shift

We shared the land...
we shared our food
with the fuckers...

and they turn around,
stabbing us in the back...

by going to work for the VC.
That's right.
'Cause the VC...
would reward them with a hot meal.
do you have any idea
what a VC rat eats?

Try raw American...
hold the mayo, thank you.
The Cong...
had a way of serving up a meal...
real nice and fancy.
They'd stake one of our boys
to the ground...

through his hands,
through his feet.

They'd stake him like Jesus.
And then...
they'd make a cut
just above the abdomen.

Now, this wasn't a fatal cut.
This was merely an entry wound.
Then, they'd get a rat.
A real hungry rat.
One that hadn't been feeding
for about a week.

And they'd put it on the wound...
and they'd stick its nose
down inside.

And if the damn thing
wasn't starving enough...

they'd cover it
with a flaming rice bowl...

and let me tell you...
that gray-black son of a bitch...
would have nowhere else
to go but inside.

And he'd start to tunnel
his way through...
