Green Card

Anyway, they don't know
what they're gonna do with the soil
when they're all through.

Dave says, "I know just the guy
who'll take it off your hands. " Me.

- Uh-huh.
- Hey, Harry, how you doin', man?

Look at this.
We're officially approved.

Hey, let's go!
All right!
Burger King!
- Burger King!
- Let's hear it for Phil!

Who can use a box of periwinkles?
Here you go. Tomatoes.

All right, yea!
Italian would be great,
but ask Brontë and Phil.

- Yeah, 'cause I'm starved.
- I am too.

- Hey, Brontë, are you hungry? Wanna
get something to eat? How about you?
- Yeah? Oh, yeah. Yeah.

- Yeah.
- The four of us get something to eat?
- Ten minutes? Let's go.

- The All Nations okay?
- Yeah.

- Hey. Ah.
- Mmm.

- A little pasta.
- Like maybe we could think of certain
plants that we could put in there.

- Yeah.
- Can we order?
- I'm not your waiter.

- Great. So who is our waiter?
- Yeah.
- Well, we'll leave it up to you.

- Hey, man, are you our waiter?
- No, sir. Georges, les cartes.

- Do you want an antipasto?
- Let's get out of here. It's awful.

I don't think we'll find anyplace else
open this time of night.

Look at this. Look at this time.
We have been sitting here a long time.

- You have chosen?
- Uh...
- Somebody else go ahead.

Uh, what are your specials tonight?
Uh, from Switzerland we have, um,
calves' liver with our special sauce...

and, uh, from old England,
we have roast beef.
