Green Card

Never mind your principles.
Taste this.

Let's get those orchids, Mom.
I'm sure you want to be on your way.

Oh, no, dear.
We're not in a hurry, not at all.

You're not really a handyman,
are you Georges?

- No. I'm a composer.
- Oh.

I used to be a cleaner
when I first started writing.

Long, long time ago.
We'd just got married...

against the wishes
of my parents, I might add.

Didn't have a bean.
We fell in love right off.
Oh, it was difficult,
very difficult.

But, yeah,
when you're in love, you know.

- Shipboard romance is what it was.
- Excuse me.

- Oh, I'll get it.
- No. It's okay. It's okay. No.

Brontë, come here a minute.
What is this?

Thank you.
It was right in the middle
of a lifeboat drill.

We suddenly found ourselves
in the same boat.

- Shouldn't you be going, Georges?
- Now, you go on outside
with your mother. Outside.

- But?
- Georges and I have everything
under control.

Go on. Out you go.
We've been talking about music
and love and skiing...

and all manner of things,
haven't we, Georges?

- Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
- Sit down.

Oh, I like your Georges, Brontë.
- A charming man.
- He's not my Georges, Mother.

- He should have left by now.
- Well, he's keeping your father happy.

And you know how restless
he gets in the city.

So let's be grateful.
