Green Card

- Now go!
- No.

- Phil!
- The guard isn't here.

Ohh. Look, we'll get together
tomorrow, okay? Please.

Just to the door, Brontë.
There might be some intruder
lurking about.

- Hey, this is nice!
- Okay.

- You've seen me to the door. Now go.
- No.

No. I can't go until
I've seen the greenhouse.

- Oh, Phil, you've had too much to drink.
- Yeah.

- Come here. Mmm!
- Mmm.

- Oh, you feel so good.
- Oh, Phil, no. Please.

- Mmm.
- Oh.

Oh, Brontë. Oh, oh!
- Phil.
- Mmm, mmm.

- Oh.
- Phil, no, no!

You heard what she said!
Oh, merde!
- She said go. Okay?
- Who's this?

- Go or I'll throw you out.
- Georges, how dare you?

- Brontë, talk to me. Who is this?
- Get out, vegetarian!

- Who the hell do you think you are?
- Georges, no!
- I'm the husband, that's who.

- What'd you say?
- That's my wife you've been grabbing.
Now get out.

Brontë? Brontë? Is this true?
Yes, but it's not the way
you think. Oh, God.

- What?
- Oh, God!
- Out.

- Now wait a minute.
- Out, out, out, out.

Hey! You're the waiter
from that restaurant.

- Get out! Out.
- I don't know what's going on,
but I'm gonna find out, pal.

Go on, get out!
Carrot! Cucumber!

- No!
- Now you go.

- The interview! We're going tomorrow.
- Out! Now!
