Henry & June

Hey, thanks, Hugo.
That's swell of ya.
I can really use this.

I'll visit.
Come on, Eduardo, I'll race you
back to Paris before it gets dark.

On your mark.
Come on.

I don't race anymore. To me, a bike
is just a means of getting home.

Get set.
- You're no match for me.
- Are you set, Eduardo?

- I warn you I used to race.
- Go!

- I'd love to read something he wrote.
- Fat chance. He'll never get published.

I've met Henry Miller.
He is virile, flamboyant.
He is a man life intoxicates.
He is like me.
But he doesn't know it yet.
Henry's quite a character.
Good night.
'Night, Hugo.
- Let me help you.
- I'll be fine.

Osborn said he'd be home,
and I want to surprise Henry.

I thought you could use a hand.
You're all right?

Yes, I'm fine!
I'll take the train,
and meet you home later.

I'll wait a minute just in case.
I don't want you to wait.
I'll see you tonight.
See you tonight.
