Home Alone

We didn't forget him,
we just miscounted.

What kind of mother am I?
If it makes you feel any better,
I forgot my reading glasses.

Five families gone
on one block alone.

They all told me from their
own mouths.

It's almost too easy.
Check it out:
All the houses with nobody home...
...have automatic timers
on their lights.

But I got it all figured out.
Watch this.

Number 664 will be going on
right about...

Wait, wait, wait.
Number 682...
...right now.
Wait a minute.
And that's the one, Marvin.
That's the silver tuna.

It's very G.
Very G, huh? It's loaded.
It's got lots of top-flight goods.
- Stereos, VCRs...
- Toys?

Probably looking at some
very fine jewelry.

Possible cash horde.
Odd marketable securities.
Who knows? It's a gem.
Grab your crowbar.
Crowbars up.
You're a rotter,
Mr. Grinch

You're the king
Of sinful sots

Your heart's a dead tomato
Blotched with moldy purple spots,
Mr. Grinch
