
Our parents decided
who stayed and who went.

- I stayed here because I wanted to.
- You stayed because you had to.

I don't know what'll
happen tomorrow.

But I do know that I appreciate what
you've done for everyone.

- Good evening.
- How much farther is Derry?

I guess about maybe
500 yards to the city limits.

Thank God.
I nearly fell asleep a while ago.

I've been driving forever.
Just cross the old bridge
at the barrens and hang a left.

- The barrens?
- Where the kids used to play.

Thank you. I'll be going now.
Don't you want your balloon first,
Mrs. Denbrough?

Don't you want it?
Don't you want it?
They chased me up the hall
and started slapping me.

And the coach found me lying there.
I thought he'd help,
but he made fun of me.

And something snapped.
I said, "You coach track, right?"

He sneered. I said, "You listen to me,
you son of a bitch...

...I'll run down everything
you've got...

...and then I want a flipping
apology from you."

- All right!
- And so you did it.

Yeah, I ran everywhere.
Sometimes I thought I'd pass out.
